Science Words of the Week
Ask your child what they can recall about the words 'Phase' and 'Botany'.

Year 7's Recipe for Success
Students in 7b5 created their own 91³Ô¹ÏÍø Recipe for Success in their English lessons.

7CMJ Spot the Spiders and Identify the Insects
7CMJ enjoyed classifying invertebrates in their Science lessons.

Year 12 History and Politics Students Visit London
A trip to London gave History and Politics students rare insights in to our democracy and some of our historic buildings.
Our Winning Year 10 Scientists
22 of our Year 10 Scientists took part in the UKBC Biology Challenge, winning Gold, Bronze and COmmendations.

Year 7 Scholarly Excellence in Science
Ms Figiel's Year 7 Science Class devised some really creative ways to revise for their SAS Exam.
Biscuits, Books and Better Grades!
Our English team are running their Year 10 'Biscuits and Books' after school sessions again every Wednesday from 12th June.

Year 12 Chemists Complete Aspirin Practicals
Our Year 12 Chemists have completed the final step in synthesising Aspirin for their their assessed practical component.

Year 12 Biologists' Models Help Them to Remember
Our Year 12 Biologists have created models to help them remember the steps in the process of Photosynthesis.

Our Science Words of the Week
Each week, our Science faculty introduce two Science words to students to help them recognise and understand key words.
Last STOP Morning of 2022/3
Students engaged in a range of PSHE topics in our final STOP Morning of the academic year.

Cloudy with a Chance of Wet Feet
Our Year 12 students' river sampling trip turned out to be a very damp event indeed!

Year 12 Psychologists' View on the Hierarchy of Needs
Year 12 Psychologists have been developing their knowledge and understanding of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
You've Seen the World, Now Watch the Films!
All Key Stage 3 students are welcome to join our International Film Club from 3-4pm every Wednesday in D0-11

Conclusion of A Level Chemistry Practicals
Our Year 13 A Level Chemists carried out their final practical at the end of April and Dr Jones was once again really pleased with their work.
Year 7 Tourists for a Day
All of our Year 7 students took a holiday from their usual timetable in March and enjoyed our Languages Day.

Screaming Sweeties
Year 7 Science students enjoyed watching Ms Figiel’s Screaming Jelly Baby experiment.

Practical Makes Perfect
Practical lessons help to give students a much better understanding of the topics they study.

Biologists find Sweet Inspiration
Ms Figiel's Year 11 Biologists have been studying the structure of DNA and used sweets to make models to help them understand and remember it.

Practical Work helps Students Remember
Ms Figiel's Year 10 Scientists used the information they learned in class to help them correctly identify different parts of the heart

The Business of Football
Our Year 12 Business Studies students visited Port Vale FC to learn more about the Business of Football
A Novel Way to Understand Literature
Our Year 12 English Literature students are employing some 'novel' tactics to help them process and understand King Lear.

A Testing Time for Students
Ms Figiel's Year 8 Scientists are testing food samples as part of their 'Alive and Kicking' topic.
An Eggciting Eggsperiment
Our Year 12 Psychologists took part in an eggstremely eggciting project this half-term
Modelling our Airways
As part of the Alive and Kicking topic, students modelled the human ventilation system.